1st Recon Battalion Association

1st Recon Battalion Association

Thanks for your service.

Part 18


May - June

1st Reconnaissance Battalion
Missions / Patrol Reports

Are you looking for your Old Patrol Reports? Check out this page on my website:


Too close to whisper...
...one click for "yes", two for "no"...
"Brothers of the Bush"

Recon...their name is
their honor...and nothing more
need be said...Recon

Floyd Ruggles

Check Out New Messages

Part 19 - 2023

All Companies

Photo Gallery

The Memory Remains Not All Wounds Are Visible.

"A Brotherhood Forged In Combat"

1st Reconnaissance Battalion Index


Message Board Links

Part 1 - 2018-2019 

Part 2 - 2019-2020 

Part 3 - 2020 

Part 4 - 2020 

Part 5  - 2020

Past Message Board

Past Newsletters 

Part 1 - 2017-2018 

Part 2 - 2018 

Part 3 - 2018 

Part 4 - 2018-2019 

Past Reunions 

Past Stories 

Send in your photos

Part 6  - 2020

Past Photos Galleries 

Part 7  - 2020

Part 8  - 2020

Bobby Bare



Photo Gallery

Part 10  - 2021

Click a photo to link to a page on our  website or Facebook. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. You will find thousands of links on the 1st recon battalion association website.

In Remembrance of our brother Reconnaissance Marines & Corpsmen killed in action or otherwise while on duty.

Look at it as your Time Capsule. This website won't stand long after we are all gone.


Daniel M Turpin

1st Recon Battalion Association

Part 11  - 2021

1st Reconnaissance Battalion
Missions / Patrol Reports

Too close to whisper...
...one click for "yes", two for "no"...
"Brothers of the Bush"

Recon...their name is
their honor...and nothing more
need be said...Recon


Bravo Company 1968-1969

Part 12  - 2021

Meet one of our members of our association.

To all Association Members,

Please reply and update or confirm your Information.
Your 1st Recon Battalion Association Website Information
can be found at: 1streconbn.org/members.html

Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for all your help.

My email address is floyd@weststpaulantiques.com.
Please keep your information up to date.

This will allow the Association to send messages out from time to time by email or by mail.

Semper Fi,
Floyd Ruggles
Membership Director & Webmaster

1st Recon Battalion Association

Part 13  - 2021-2022

Part 14  - 2022

Part 15  - 2022

Part 16  - 2023

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

David Sledge

Get involved send in your messages, photos, stories share what you think about our website. I will post them on this page.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board will be our newsletter going forward. 

It's ongoing and you can be a part of it, each month through out the year.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board will be our newsletter going forward. 

It's ongoing and you can be a part of it, each month through out the year.

This is a heads up, Linda and I will be on spring break from March 15th through March 30th, 2023. We will be traveling with our children and totally disconnected from the internet. This is a chance for me and my family to recharge our batteries. I'll be back and working on the website in April. So sending your stories & photos and I'll post them For the April edition of our Newsletter/Message Board.


Don't be fooled by the warning signs it's a safe website, it's just an old platfrom. Just hit advance, you will enjoy this website, it's my personal website.

1st Recon Battalion Association

Message Board will be our newsletter going forward. 

It's ongoing and you can be a part of it, each month through out the year.

Association Purpose

Our mission is to help locate former Recon Marines and their families, and to recognize those who paid the ultimate price through the 1st Recon Memorial Fund which has established and will help maintain the permanent memorial at the Marine Corps Historical Museum at Camp Quantico Virginia.

Message from webmaster!


Part 17  - 2023

Part 19 - 2023

StgMaj. USMC (ret.) Troy L. Hensley

Troy Hensley Wingate StgMaj. USMC (ret.) passed away on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at his home after an extended illness. Troy was born on May 11, 1939 in Wingate, Texas to Elward (Andy) and Ometa (Henley) Hensley. He followed in his daddy's footsteps and started work as a cowboy at an early age by learning to break horses. He attended numerous schools but graduated from Grant Union High School in Sacramento, California in 1957. A Marine recruiter offered him a hot meal while he was on the rodeo circuit and a Marine Corps career was born. A large portion of his career was spent at Camp Pendleton (CA) and at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego as a Drill Instructor. In addition to these assignments, he was also stationed in the Philippines and Okinawa, Japan. 

Additional assignments include Reconnaissance and Force Reconnaissance units, Special Advisory assignments, Brig Warden, Security Forces, and Mountain Warfare Instructor. One of the highlights of his career was his assignment as the Battalion Sergeant Major of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, which is the most highly decorated infantry battalion in the history of the United States Armed Forces. He served two tours in Vietnam with infantry and reconnaissance units and Special Advisory duty in Laos in the 1960's. 

Sergeant Major Hensley held the Bronze Star Medal (with combat "V") with Gold Star for subsequent awards for Heroic Achievements, Purple Heart (with 2 awards), Naval Commendation Medal with Combat "V", Naval Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal (8 awards), Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, and numerous other decorations and awards. He was also a qualified Suba Diver/Instructor and received the Marine Corps Parachutists Gold Wings. Troy retired from the Marine Corps in 1979 at Camp Pendleton. Troy was very active with the Non Commissioned Officers Association and reached the highest elected rank of Grand Knight which is part of an advisory group of the NCOA. His work with the NCOA in the mid 1980's brought him back to Wingate from California and allowed him to do an extensive amount of public speaking about the NCOA. During this time, he helped start the Annual TET Reunion, which is held every February in Abilene for Vietnam Veterans. What started as a group of 8 guys talking about the good old days turned into an event that brings hundreds of veterans from all over the US to Abilene. Troy is a Past Master of the Wingate Masonic Lodge and past District Deputy Grand Master. After his employment with the NCOA, he helped very special friends, Hollis and Betty Dean, with their catering business and restaurant, The Shed. He was preceded in death by his parents and his youngest brother, Gerald. In 1987, Troy married Vicky (Marshall) Hensley in Wingate. They were married for 35 years.

StgMaj. Troy L. Hensley, USMC (ret.) passed away on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at his home after an extended illness.